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What is a Superbill & How to Use It for Speech Therapy?

What is a Superbill & How to Use It for Speech Therapy?

Posted on Sept 29th, 2023.

Are you considering speech therapy services for your child? 

If so, you may have come across the term "superbill" in your research. 

But what exactly is a superbill, and how can it be used for speech therapy? 

In this post, we'll demystify the concept of superbills and provide you with valuable insights on how they can benefit you in obtaining out-of-network reimbursement for speech therapy services when you are a self-pay client.

What is a Superbill?

A superbill is a critical piece of documentation in the realm of healthcare billing. It serves as a comprehensive invoice that contains essential details about the services you've received during your therapy session. 

The detailed information it contains ensures that the billing process is transparent and accurate, ultimately benefiting both you and your healthcare insurer. With this clarity, you can confidently pursue insurance reimbursement for the speech therapy services you or your loved one have received.

Key Elements of a Superbill

Here's a closer look at the key elements typically included in a superbill:

  • Patient Information: Your superbill will begin with your personal information, including your name, address, contact details, and any other relevant identification data required by your insurance company.
  • Provider Information: This section includes details about the healthcare provider or therapist who administered the speech therapy services. This information typically comprises the therapist's name, contact information, and their professional credentials.
  • Date of Service: The superbill will specify the date or dates on which the speech therapy services were provided. Accurate dating is crucial for both billing and reimbursement purposes.
  • Service Codes: Superbills use standardized service codes, typically the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, to describe the specific services rendered during the therapy session. These codes help insurance companies identify the nature of the services provided.
  • Service Descriptions: Alongside the service codes, superbills also include descriptions of the services. This provides additional clarity to both the patient and the insurance company regarding the nature of the therapy.
  • Duration of Service (or Number of Units): It's important to document the duration of each session. This helps insurance companies determine the appropriate reimbursement based on the length of the session. Most speech therapy codes are untimed, but there are a few exceptions.
  • Fees for Services: The superbill will outline the fees associated with each service provided. These fees are typically based on the therapist's pricing structure and may vary depending on the type and duration of the therapy.
  • Diagnosis Codes: Along with the service codes, diagnosis codes, often referred to as International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes, are included to indicate the medical necessity of the therapy. These codes link the therapy services to specific medical conditions or speech disorders.
  • Payment Information: If you've made any payments for the services, whether through insurance copayments or out-of-pocket expenses, this information will be recorded on the superbill.

How to Submit a Superbill to Insurance

Superbills operate as a bridge between you, the recipient of speech therapy services, and your insurance provider. Instead of relying on the therapist to bill the insurance company directly, superbill submissions put you in control of the reimbursement process. 

Here's how it works:

1. Receipt of Superbill

After each speech therapy session, your therapist provides you with a superbill, a detailed document that outlines the session's specifics.

2. Review Superbill Details

Take a moment to review the superbill, ensuring that all information is accurate, including the date of service, services rendered, duration, fees, and diagnosis codes.

3. Insurance Coverage Assessment

Consult your insurance policy to confirm that the speech therapy services you've received are covered under your plan and meet the necessary medical criteria for reimbursement.

4. Submission to Insurance

Submit the completed superbill to your insurance company using their specified method, which may include an online portal, email, or traditional mail.

5. Insurance Review

Your insurance provider reviews the superbill to determine whether the services are eligible for reimbursement based on your policy's terms and conditions.

6. Reimbursement Processing

If approved, your insurance company initiates the reimbursement process, either by sending you a check or depositing the funds directly into your bank account.

7. Record Keeping

Keep meticulous records of all submitted superbills and corresponding reimbursements, allowing you to track your healthcare expenses and maintain financial transparency.

By following these steps, you take control of your healthcare finances and ensure that you receive the reimbursement you're entitled to for speech therapy services, all while maintaining a clear and transparent process.

Advantages of Using Superbills for Speech Therapy

Now that you understand the basics of what a superbill is and how to use it, let's explore the advantages of incorporating superbill submissions into your speech therapy journey.


Speech therapy can be a significant investment, especially when it's needed on an ongoing basis. Superbill submissions can lead to substantial cost savings by reducing your out-of-pocket expenses. This is particularly beneficial for families who want to ensure their loved ones receive the necessary therapy without breaking the bank.


Superbills offer a level of flexibility that direct billing by a speech therapist might not provide. You have the freedom to choose your speech therapist based on your preferences and convenience while still accessing insurance benefits.


Superbills promote transparency in healthcare billing. With a detailed record of the services provided and their associated costs, you can be confident that you're only paying for the services you've received.


By submitting superbills to your insurance company, you become an active participant in the reimbursement process. This sense of empowerment allows you to navigate the complexities of healthcare billing with confidence.


Superbills are a valuable tool for individuals who may not have access to in-network speech therapists. They enable you to seek therapy services from qualified professionals, even if they are out of your insurance network.

Related: What Age Should Children Start Talking Clearly and When to Worry? 


In summary, a superbill is a powerful tool that can help you access the speech therapy services you or your loved ones need while minimizing the financial burden. By understanding how superbills work and how to submit them to your insurance company, you can take control of your healthcare expenses and transform 'try' into TRYUMPH!

If you have further questions about superbills, speech therapy services, or would like to schedule a session with Tryumph Speech Therapy, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at (512) 898-9858 or [email protected].

We're here to support you on your journey to better communication and speech skills. Book a free discovery call and let us help you achieve your speech therapy goals!

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